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http://www.poicephalus.de/mopas/startseite_mopa.html Немецкий сайт о венегалах. Как же жаль, что не знаю немецкого... :cry:


http://www.oldworldaviaries.com/text/misce...s/breed-poi.htm - Breeding Poicephalus


http://proaviculture.com/poicephalus.htm - Poicephalus Parrots


http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/...oicephalus.html - Choosing Among Poicephalus Species


http://avesint.com/poicephalus.html - POICEPHALUS PARROTS


http://www.avianweb.com/poicephalusinfo.htm - Poicephalus: Short-tailed Parrots


http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-species/pr...oicephalus.aspx - Poicephalus


http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art23995.asp - The Red Bellied Parrot (Poicephalus rufiventris)


http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-species/fi...oicephalus.aspx - Perfect Poicephalus Parrots


http://www.poicephalus.info/ - немецкий сайтик о всех длиннокрылых... блииин точно надо немецкий учить... :sorry:


http://www.craigharris.org/parrot/index2.html - Thor's Cape Parrot Site


http://www.birdchannel.com/featured-specie...alus-story.aspx - Poicephalus Parrot Reader's Stories


http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-behavior-a...avior-tips.aspx - Smart Solutions To Poicephalus Behavior


http://home.earthlink.net/~senegalparrot/Birds/Senegal.html - рассказы о своем сенегале...


http://www.realmacaw.com/pages/redbellied.html - Are Red-bellied Parrots Breeding Problems?


http://bigfive.jl.co.za/cape%20parrot.htm - BREEDING OF GREY HEADED PARROTS IN CAPTIVITY


http://www.realmacaw.com/pages/poicep.html - Let's know our bird families


http://www.realmacaw.com/pages/green-v.html - Senegals Wear Green V-shirts


http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww15ev.htm - AN INTRODUCTION TO SENEGALS


http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/...oicephalus.html - Choosing Among Poicephalus Species


http://www.wingscc.com/aps/poicfaq.htm - Poicephalus FAQ


http://www.avesint.com/poicephalus.html - POICEPHALUS PARROTS


http://www.netpets.com/birds/reference/spe...oicephalus.html - Poicephalus


http://www.wingscentral.org/aps/faqcapes.aspx - Cape Parrot FAQ


http://www.cpwg.unp.ac.za/index.htm - Cape Parrot Working Group


http://www.sweb.cz/chovpapousku/ - чешский сайт о попугаях их питомника


http://www.birdcare.com.au/senegal_parrot.htm - разведение сенегалов


http://www.silvio-co.com/cps/articles/1994/1994taylor3.htm - Poicephalus Parrots: A Closer Look at Brown Headed, Red Bellied, Jardine's and Cape Parrots

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http://www.papageientreff-rheinhessen.de/c..._mohrenkopf.htm - краткое описание сенегалов.


http://www.papageien.org/HJP/Christoph/ - рассказ о создании 2-х сенегальских пар.


http://www.papageienatrium.de/Moni/meine_P...lpapageien.html - виды длиннокрылых.

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Публикации об исследованиях Африканских попугаев. http://www.botany.unp.ac.za/Staff/perrin/i..._files/Pubs.htm


Refereed Journals:
1. Perrin, M.R. 1999. Conservation, Resource Economics and Sustainable Utilization of Southern-African Parrots. The Parrot Society, Poicephalus Section (1998) Vol3: No. 3: 12-15.
2. Wirminghaus, J.O.(late), Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 1999 Conservation of the Cape parrot Poicephalus r. robustus in southern Africa. S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 29(4): 118-129.
3. Wirminghaus, J.O., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2000 Abundance of the Cape Parrot in South Africa. S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 30(1): 43-52.
4. Selman, R.G., Hunter, M.L. & Perrin, M.R. 2000. R?ppell’s Parrot: status, ecology and conservation biology. Ostrich 71: 347-348.
5. Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2000. Range extension of African Broadbill Smithornis capensis into Soutpansberg, Northern Province, South Africa. Bull. African Bird Club 7: 135-138
6. Wirminghaus, J.O., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T., Dempster, E.R. & Perrin, M.R. 2000. Vocalisations, and some behaviours of Cape parrot Poicephalus robustus. Durban Museum Novitates 25: 12-17.
7. Symes, C.T., Venter, S.M. & Perrin, M.R. 2000. Afromontane forest avifauna of the eastern Soutpansberg mountain range, Northern Province, South Africa. Southern African Forestry Journal 182: 71-80.
8. Arnot, L.F. & Perrin, M.R. 2000. The effect of diet composition on the reproductive performance of Peach-faced Lovebirds (Agapornis rosiecollis). Journal of Parrot Biology 3: 125-139.
9. Wirminghaus, J.O., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2001. Abundance and activity of the Cape parrot Poicephalus robustus in afromontane forests in southern Africa. African Zoology 36(1): 71-77.
10. Wirminghaus, J.O., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2001. Breeding biology of Cape Parrot Poicephalus robustus. Ostrich 72(3&4): 159-164.
11. Wirminghaus, J.O., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2001. Fruiting in two afromontane forests in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. S.A. J. Bot. 67: 325-332.
12. Wirminghaus, J.O., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2002. Taxonomic relationships of the subspecies of the Cape parrot Poicephalus robustus (Gmelin). J. Nat. Hist. 36(3): 361-378.
13. Wirminghaus, J.O., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2002. Diet of the Cape parrot, Poicephalus robustus, in Afromontane forests in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Ostrich 73: 20-25.
14. Hrabar, H., De Nagy Koves & Perrin, M.R. 2002. The effect of bill structure on seed selection by granivorous birds. Afr. Zool.37: 67-80.
15. Warburton, L.S. & Perrin, M.R. 2002. Evidence of psittacine beak and feather disease in wild Black-cheeked Lovebirds in Zambia. Papageien 5: 166-169.
16. Wirminghaus, J.O., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2002. Diet of the Cape parrot, Poicephalus robustus in Afromontane forests in KZN. Ostrich 73: 20-25.
17. Symes, C.T., Wirminghaus, J.O., & Downs, C.T. 2002. Species richness and seasonality of bird species in three South African afromontane forests. Ostrich 73 In press.
18. Symes, C.T. & Downs, C.T. 2002. Occurrence of Cape Parrot Poicephalus robustus at non-forest feeding sites in South Africa: threats to a declining population. Bulletin of the African Bird Club 9: 27-31.
19. Selman, R.G., Perrin, M.R. & Hunter, M.L. 2002. The feeding ecology of Ruppell’s Parrot in Namibia. Ostrich 73(3&4): 127-134.
20. Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2003. The feeding biology of the Greyheaded Parrot Poicephalus fuscicollis suahelicus (Reichenow) in Northern Province, South Africa. Emu. 103: 49-58.
21. Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2003. Daily flight activity and flocking behaviour patterns of the Greyheaded Parrot Poicephalus fuscicollis suahelicus in Northern Province, South Africa. Tropical Zoology. 16: 47-62.
22. Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2003. Seasonal occurrence and local movements of the Greyheaded Parrot Poicephalus fuscicollis suahelicus in southern and south Central Africa. J. Afr. Ecol. 41(4): 299-305
23. Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2004. Breeding biology of the Greyheaded Parrot Poicephalus fuscicollis suahelicus in the wild. Emu 104(1): 45-57
24. Symes, C.T., Brown, M., Warburton, L.S., Perrin, M.R., Downs, C.T. 2004. Observations of Cape Parrot Poicephalus robustus nesting in the wild. Ostrich: 75(3): 106-109.


- Heath, Marin, Wilimson, Rybicki & Perrin. 2004. Evidence of unique genotypes of psittacine beak and feather disease in southern Africa. J. Virology.
- Taylor, S. & Perrin, M.R. 2004. Intraspecific associations of individual brown-headed parrots (Poicephalus cryptoxanthus). Afr. Zool.
- Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. 2004. Behaviour and some vocalisations of the Greyheaded Parrot Poicephalus fuscicollis suahelicus. Durban Museum Novitates
- Taylor, S. & Perrin, M.R. 2004. The vocalizations of the Brown-Headed Parrot; general form and behavioural context. Ostrich.
- Selman, R.G., Perrin, M.R. & Hunter, M.L. 2004. Characteristics of and competition for nest sites by the R?ppell’s Parrot Poicephalus ruepelli. Ostrich


1. Symes, C.T. & Downs, C.T. Forest structure and snag succession in mistbelt mixed Podocarpus forests of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: sustainable utilization and the conservation of cavity nesting avifauna. Conservation Biology
2. Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. The habitat and associated bird assemblages of the Grey-headed Parrot Poicephalus fuscicollis suahelicus in north-east South Africa. Durban Museum Novitates.
3. Taylor, S. & Perrin, M.R. Adaptive hatching hypotheses do not explain asynchronous hatching in Brown-headed Parrots? Emu.
4. Perrin, M.R. Definition and acceptance of species rank for the cape parrot Poicephalus robustus. Ostrich.
5. Taylor, S. & Perrin, M.R. The breeding biology of the brown-headed parrot (Poicephalus cryptoxanthus). Emu.
6. Taylor, S. & Perrin, M.R. Parent offspring recognition in the brown-headed parrot. Emu.
7. Taylor, S. & Perrin, M.R. Individual vocal differences in Brown-headed Parrots. Emu.
8. Taylor, S. & Perrin, M.R. Individual vocal differences in Woodland kingfishers Halcyon senegalensis cyanoleuca. Condor.
9. Warburton, L.S. & Perrin, M.R. Nest-site characteristics of the Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis in Zambia. Ostrich
10. Warburton, L.S. & Perrin, M.R. Breeding biology of the Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis in Zambia. Ostrich
11. Warburton, L.S. & Perrin, M.R. Foraging behaviour and breeding ecology of the Black-cheeked Lovebird in Zambia. Ostrich.
12. Warburton, L.S. & Perrin, M.R. Drinking habits of the Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis in Zambia. Bird Conservation International
13. Warburton, L.S. & Perrin, M.R. The Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis as an agricultural pest in Zambia. Emu
14. Warburton, L.S. & Perrin, M.R. Roosting requirements and behaviours of the Black-cheeked Lovebird Agapornis nigrigenis in Zambia. Tropical Zoology


- Perrin, M.R., Selman, R., & Hunter, M. The status and trade of R?ppell’s Parrot: a conservation problem in Namibia? S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res.
- Sohlms, L. Perrin, M.R., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Bloomer, P. DNA sequencing confirms the status of the Cape Parrot: Implications for its conservation status. Afr. Zool.
- Wirminghaus, J.O., Downs, C.T, Piper, S., Symes, C.T. & Perrin, M.R. Distribution of the Cape Parrot Poicephalus robustus (Gmelin) in southern Africa.
- Perrin, M.R. & McKelvey, B. Preliminary evaluation of the effect of cage size on the reproductive success of Agapornis personata and Agapornis fischeri.
- Malan, R. & Perrin, M.R. The effects of reduced dietary lysine and methionine on the reproduction, growth and development of Rosyfaced Lovebirds (Agapornis roseicollis).
- Blue, G, Fossey, A. and Perrin, M.R. Genetic diversity assessment of the Cape Parrot Poicephalus robustus using RAPD analysis. Emu.
- King, H. & Perrin, M.R. 2004. Randomly amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) cannot be used for paternity testing in South African cranes. Ostrich
- King, H. & Perrin, M.R. 2004. Microsatellite polymorphism in South African cranes. African Zoology


- Perrin, M.R., McGowan, P., Downs, C.T., Symes, C.T. & Warburton, L. 2000. Africa. In: Parrots. Status, survey and conservation action plan 2000-2004. Snyder, N. McGowan, P., Gilardi, J. & Grajal, A. (Eds). IUCN, Gland Switzerland. Pp 90-97.
- Downs, C.T. 2000. Cape Parrot. In: The Eskom Red Data Book of Birds of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. Barnes, K. (ed) BirdLife South Africa, Johannesburg, pp. 48-49.
- Downs, C.T. 2000. Cape Parrot. In: Roberts’ Birds of southern Africa 7th Ed. Hockey, P. (ed) John Voelker Bird Fund, Cape Town.
- Perrin, M.R. 2001. Species Accounts of African and Indian parrots. In: Jewels of Nature: the Parrots Vol. 1.(Vol. 2. in Prep.)
- Crosta, L., Massa, R., Taylor, S. & Venuto, V. 2001. I pappagalli africani. Federazione Ornicoltori Italiani
- Perrin, M.R. 2002. African Parrots: their ecology, conservation biology and management. University of Natal Press.
- Taylor, S. Brown-headed Parrot. (In Press, Roberts’ Birds of southern Africa 8th Ed. John Voelker Bird Fund, Cape Town).
- Perrin, M.R. In press. Species Accounts for South African parrots. In: Roberts Birds of Southern Africa.


- Perrin, M.R. 1998. Conservation, resource economics and sustainable utilization of Southern-African Parrots. The Parrot Society, Poicephalus Section, Vol 3(3): 12-15.
- Perrin, M.R. 1999. Africa’s Parrots. African Birds and Birding, April-May, 59-65.
- Perrin, M.R. 2000. Review of Current Trade in CITES APPENDIX II TAXA. IUCN/SSC Trade Programme.
- Perrin, M.R. 2000. African emeralds (Lovebirds). African Birds and Birding.
- Perrin, M.R. 2000. American aviculture. Avizandum.
- Solms, L., Berruti, A., Perrin, M.R., Downs, C., and Bloomer, P. 2000. Phylogenetic Relationships of the Three Subspecies of the Cape Parrot, Poicephalus robustus.
- Perrin, M.R. 2000. Status of the Brown-headed Parrot. The Parrot Society: Poicephalus Section Newsletter 5(3): 4-5.
- Perrin, M.R. 2000. Status of the Brown-headed Parrot in southern Africa. Avizandum 12(10): 24-25.
- Perrin, M.R. 2000. Colourful and Charismatic. Golden Alumni Reunion, University of Natal, South Africa.
- Perrin, M.R. 2001. Conservation Biology of the Cape Parrot: Avicultural Association of South Africa 2001.
- Perrin, M.R. 2001. Reclassifying the Cape Parrot. Magazine of the Parrot Society UK 35(9): 301-303.
- Perrin, M.R. 2002. Multiple Factors Combine to Cause the Decline of the Endangered Cape Parrot in South Africa. 23rd International Ornithological Congress Abstract Volume. 017-4.
- Arnot, L., Downs, C.T. & Perrin, M.R.. 1998. Cape Parrots in captivity: Some breeding data. Avizandum 10: 12.
- Robinson, P.M., Downs, C.T. & Symes, C.T. 1998. Cape Parrot Big Birding Day. Avizandum 10:13.
- Downs, C.T. & Symes, C.T. 1998. Cape Parrots: Report on the second Cape Parrot Big Birding Day, (25 April 1998).Psittascene 10 (3): 5-7.
- Symes, C.T. & Downs, C.T. 1998. The role of nest sites in population declines of the Cape Parrot. Avizandum 10: 32-33.
- Downs, C.T. 1999. Cape Parrot Big Birding Day. Africa & Birding.
- Downs, C.T. 1999. Cape Parrot Big Birding Day. NUFocus.
- Downs, C.T. 1999. Cape Parrot. Palmnut Post- Magazine of the Durban Natural Science Museum.
- Downs, C.T. 1999. Cape Parrot Birding Days- Why get involved? Karkloof/Balgowan Conservancies magazines.
- Symes, C.T. & Downs, C.T. 1999. The Cape Parrot- an additional valid species: a response to Clancey (1997). Honeyguide 45: 127-128
- Forbes, D. & Downs, C.T. 2000. Polly’s in trouble. South Africa’s only endemic parrot: the Cape Parrot. African Wildlife 54 (6).
- Downs, C.T. 2000. Report on the Cape Parrot Big Birding Day 2000. Unpublished report, University of Natal.
- Downs, C.T. 2000. The Cape Crusader. Parrots (UK) 36: 47-49.
- Downs, C.T. 2001. Cape Parrot Big Birding Day 2000. Psittascene 13: 14.
- Symes, C., Wirminghaus, J.O. & Downs, C. 2000. Ringing efforts in two South African Mistbelt Mixed Podocarpus Forests. Safring News 29: 59-66.
- Downs, C. 2001. Help is needed to monitor the endangered Cape Parrot. NU Info 11(12):3
- Downs, C.T. 2001. Report on the Cape Parrot Big Birding Day 2001. Indaba Inyoni BirdLife South Africa 4(3): 17-19.
- Downs, C.T. 2002. Counting Parrots. Wildside 2(2):28-29.
- Downs, C.T. 2002. Participate in the Cape Parrot Big Birding Day 2002. Indaba Inyoni BirdLife South Africa 5(1): 32.
- Downs, C.T. & Warburton, L. 2002. Cape Parrot big birding day, May 11th (pm) and May 12th (am) 2002. Avizandum 14(3): 26-27.
- Downs, C.T. & Warburton, L. 2002. Counting Parrots- report on the 2002 Cape Parrot Big Birding Day. Indaba Inyoni (July) 5(3): 15-17.
- Taylor, S. 1999. Bruinfoppapegaaien in de Vrije Natuur. Poicephalus Stamboek Nederland 1(1): 5-13.
- Taylor, S. 2000. The Brown-headed Parrot in South Africa; A Silent Decline. Watchbird 27(5): 29-31.
- Taylor, S. & Horsfield, W. 2001. The Brown-headed Parrot. A Species in Rapid Decline in the Wild and Seriously Underrated and Unappreciated in Captivity in South Africa. Avizandum 13(9): 23-27.
- Taylor, S. & Horsfield, W. 2001. The Brown-headed Parrot. A Species in Rapid Decline in the Wild and Seriously Underrated and Unappreciated in Captivity in South Africa. Avizandum 13(10): 32-34.


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